Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Just Breathe

What is going on with the Kulfans? We are trying to master juggling. Juggling our work schedules, school, preparing our house in Michigan for renters, preparing our home in Haiti while state side, getting ready for bootcamp, farewell parties, providing some sort of "normalcy" for the kids, etc. There are so many moving parts right now!

Here are some of the hi-lights:

In early March we (well, friends of ours on the island) found a rental home by the Starfysh guesthouse and the lease was signed in April. "It just so happened" that some of the people on the dental team that went down in April also were professional painters. So not only did we get a rental house but they were able to paint the majority of the house. While painting, they also taught some of the locals their painting skills. This will help the locals become more marketable. Our house is not done yet as there are finishing touches that need to be completed. We were recently informed that we now have a water cistern and a water pump!

Next on the list was to find a renter for our home here in Michigan. We were planning on renting furnished to someone we knew. Unfortunately it did not work out. We then decided to reach out to a property manager. He informed us that we could not rent our house furnished. "It just so happened" that a friend of ours recently got married and recently purchased a home and needed to furnish it! "It just so happened" that friends of ours have a large pole barn and offered to store any bins we have.

We were still in need of finding transportation (i.e. quads) for on the island. "It just so happened" that our friend's husband came from the ATV business. He reached out and found the exact type of quads we were looking for at the price we were thinking of!

A few friends and family have reminded me that God likes to do things last minute to remind us He is in control. Well, He is definitely proving that!

I need to remind myself to just breathe and leave the "Just so happened's" up to God.

1 comment:

  1. It really is amazing how things work out in the end. I was surprised to hear that you were not allowed to rent out the house furnished, but I suppose it makes sense now that I think about it. When the tenant moves out, the house is broom swept and ready to go to the next tenant. Less worries about damage too.
