First and
foremost, thank you to everyone who has partnered with us through prayer, encouragement,
and financially through this journey. We started with accepting the call as
Field Directors with Starfysh, located on LaGonave.
The year prior to leaving,
we took language lessons and built our support. As the time got closer, we sold
our vehicles, quit our jobs, emptied our house and put it up for rent then
moved to Haiti in June 2016. The first three weeks were spent at bootcamp
learning the language and culture. We then took the boat over to LaGonave to
start our work with Starfysh which supports a school in Makochon, installation
of water filters and agriculture. We formed friendships with both the nationals
and missionaries. As time progressed, after much prayer, it became clear we
were to move to Port-au-Prince and work for an ambulance company providing
American level services. Bruce accepted the EMS Director position and Amy volunteered as the HR Director. We found ourselves transitioning once again. This time from a rural island to Haiti’s most populated city, the capital.
were blessed to continue friendships formed at bootcamp, on LaGonave, and new
relationships made in Port-au-Prince. Again, as time passed and through prayer and listening to that still small voice, it again became clear it was
time to move but this time back to the States. We spent some necessary family
time in Florida for a couple weeks before returning and now we are transitioning back.
This journey
has never been about us. It has always been about following God. Through this
journey he has brought us into places where he said, “Stop, Listen, Follow, and
Learn”, other times, “Do”, and other times “Your only real choice is to lean on
me” so that is what we did. There are times where we could clearly see why we
were called but there are other things we may never understand why we went
through what we did. We do know it is all part of God’s great
plan and we leave it in his hands. God calls us to be faithful servants, not to
understand his master plan. He leads and we are to follow. We can only believe
that in time some things will become clear to us whether it be how we impacted
people’s lives or how God changed us and is working on forming and preparing us
for the future. We are thankful for our time in Haiti. We walk away from this
experience having learned so much about another culture, growing in faith, and doing
missions. We have a feeling that God is not done with us yet in missions but we
have no idea what this looks like going forward.
Thank you again for your support! Please continue to keep us in prayer as we follow God’s lead for our new normal.
Phillipians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the price for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Amy, I imagine y'all will probably never know about the impact you had and the seeds you planted. Your family was faithful to God's calling to His plan at that time. That's all He asks of us, to be faithful.