Things tend to happen in threes don’t they? Two things
happened about a week ago and I was waiting on the third. I didn’t have to wait
too long though.
I went with a friend to DGI (similar to going to the
Secretary of State) about a week ago. While we were out front a peaceful
demonstration walked past. I had heard they were either protesting something
about a local school director or wanting someone out of jail. After they
passed, we went to grab lunch at a local restaurant. When we were done we both
hesitantly got up (because that is what you do when you are done eating, right?…)
but then we both sat down again. A minute later the demonstration walked past
again but this time it was not peaceful. I watched several men throw large
rocks at the truck parked right in front of the restaurant. We ran into the back
kitchen area and waited for the demonstration to pass. My friend looked at me and
said “something told me to sit back down again.” I responded, “me too”. We both
knew the Holy Spirit had spoken to each of us. The demonstration was only
targeting government vehicles but if we had left when we were initially
planning on it we would have been caught in the crossfire.
Last Sunday morning I was taking my kids and their friends
to church. We were planning on going to Sunday school and the service
following. I pulled out of our apartment complex and waited in the driveway
until my navigation app pulled up on my phone. It was taking an exceptionally long time
and I was starting to get frustrated. In the meantime, our guard was trying to
get my attention and I heard him say, “kawoutchou”. I went to look and sure
enough, my back tire had lost air and it would not have been good to
drive to church with it that low. Bri looked at me and said, “I think there was
a reason why the app was not pulling up”. As soon as I knew about the tire, yup,
the map pulled up! I promptly pulled back into the garage until I could figure
out how to get it taken care of. We didn’t make it to Sunday school but we did
make it to the service.
Yesterday Bruce was on his way home and a car was not paying
attention and hit him right in our back tire. No damage except it tore out the
tire stem and the tire was completely flat. A man walked up to Bruce and handed
him a tire stem and walked away. Bruce promptly took it to our local tire guys
and they fixed it for him. This prevented Bruce from getting all the way home
but kept him closer to the airport. The significance is that while Bruce was
getting the stem replaced, he received an emergency call needing him to
get to the airport ASAP as a medical flight was heading to LaGonave. Once the
tire was fixed he immediately headed to the airport! He did not end up on the
flight but assisted with coordinating everything once the patient arrived on
the mainland.
You can choose to call these coincidences but when things
like these happen over and over again I find it hard to continue to call them
coincidences. When I handed my entire (and not just a piece here and there)
life and everything in it over to God years ago I started seeing things differently.
God does speak quietly, I do believe in guardian angels, and I believe he uses
people around us. I am sure there are many things that have happened that God
has protected us from that we know nothing about. I need to remind myself each
morning to give each day to Him and to stop and listen to Him throughout the
day. I still struggle with praising in the storm but He knows this and is working
in me on it. Sometimes the things we find to be annoyances are actually
protecting us and helping us make our faith stronger.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 5:11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Keep listening for the "still small voice"
If you are weary on life's road;
The Lord will make your heart rejoice
If you will let Him take your load. -Hans Ernst Hess